In 2012 the North Texas Groundwater Conservation District, the Northern Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District, and the Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District (the Districts) formed an Inter-local Agreement to fund the update of the Northern Trinity/Woodbine Groundwater Availability Model (NTW GAM). This unique cooperation between districts was born out of a recognition of the potential benefits that an improved modeling tool would provide in the regional joint planning process (GMA-8) and in management of groundwater resources within their Districts. The revised GAM will also provide a new and improved tool for all the districts within GMA-8. The team is led by INTERA, Inc. a Texas based Corporation. We are teamed with LBG-Guyton and the Bureau of Economic Geology. Specifically, the NTW GAM update efforts include: developing a more detailed characterization of aquifers within the boundaries of the Districts; improving and ...Read More