In 2012 the North Texas Groundwater Conservation District, the Northern Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District, and the Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District (the Districts) formed an Inter-local Agreement to fund the update of the Northern Trinity/Woodbine Groundwater Availability Model (NTW GAM). This unique cooperation between districts was born out of a recognition of the potential benefits that an improved modeling tool would provide in the regional joint planning process (GMA-8) and in management of groundwater resources within their Districts. The revised GAM will also provide a new and improved tool for all the districts within GMA-8.

The team is led by INTERA, Inc. a Texas based Corporation. We are teamed with LBG-Guyton and the Bureau of Economic Geology. Specifically, the NTW GAM update efforts include: developing a more detailed characterization of aquifers within the boundaries of the Districts; improving and refining the hydrogeologic framework and understanding of how it impacts groundwater resources; improving the outcrop water balance to include simulation of shallow flow systems at a scale relevant to supporting District-level planning; improving the implementation of surface and groundwater interactions; and updating and improving pumping datasets to extend the calibration period through 2010 and calibration of the model to a scale that is more relevant to GCDs within GMA-8. In addition to these enhancements, the updated GAM will incorporate new data collected by the GCDs within the region as well as the results of several relevant studies recently conducted through funding from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB).
