To read the proposed rules, click here: UTGCD Proposed Rules for June 2019 Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all interested persons in Hood, Montague, Parker, and Wise Counties, Texas: That the Board of Directors of the Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District (“District”) will hold a public hearing, accept public comment, and may act to adopt the permanent District Rules regulating water wells within the boundaries of the District, including Hood, Montague, Parker, and Wise Counties, Texas. Prior to its adoption of these permanent rules, the District operated under its Temporary Rules for Water Wells, initially adopted by the District’s Board of Directors (“Board”) on August 18, 2008. The proposed permanent District Rules include without limitation the following: (1) classification of wells and applicable requirements for each type of well based on size, capacity, purpose of use of groundwater, and date of drilling; (2) requirements for reg...Read More